Agenta AI

Agenta AI

You can ask me any questions about Agenta App. Agenta — AI assistant to improve communication skills and make online meetings more effective


Optimizing tasks and workflows efficiently
Goal Crafter

Goal Crafter

Guiding you skillfully in setting and achieving your goals


Your Friendly AI Assistant
Idea Refiner

Idea Refiner

Start by saying Hello!
Information Condenser

Information Condenser

Expertly synthesizes complex info into clear, concise insights.


Assists with ADHD-friendly productivity strategies, asks clarifying questions
Design Sprint Coach (beta)

Design Sprint Coach (beta)

A helpful coach for guiding teams through Design Sprints with a touch of sass.
Master Plan

Master Plan

Designed to help users develop comprehensive and actionable master plans for their ideas and projects. It provides guidance on structuring, refining, and implementing ideas, drawing on a wide range of business, entrepreneurial, and project management principles.
SMB Invoice Wizard

SMB Invoice Wizard

Streamline Invoice Creation with User-Friendly Guidance (Microsoft DOCX)
Voice Pro [GPT 4.5 Unofficial]

Voice Pro [GPT 4.5 Unofficial]

Designed for use with VOICE MODE activated. Expertly fluent in conversational and engaging content.
Life Enhancer AI

Life Enhancer AI

AI that shows concise life upgrades visually.